Warrenpoint Municipal Park : the heart of Warrenpoint Town

Warrenpoint Park Illuminations

Warrenpoint Municipal Park

Warrenpoint Municipal Park is an Edwardian Park opened in 1907. 

It has been the heart of Warrenpoint Town Centre for play, relaxation and events all throughout it’s history.

Every Christmas the beautiful Warrenpoint Bandstand is lit up with Christmas Lights and Christmas music drifts across the town from the Park.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park has played host to many musical acts from Percy French, composer of the Mountains of Mourne, in days gone by to Luka Bloom, Cormac Neeson and Brian Kennedy in more recent times.

The Park has tennis courts and a children’s play park.

Millions of people have had a stroll along it’s pathways and a relaxing rest on it’s benches throughout it’s long history.

In the summertime , Tai chi classes take place in the park to relax and prepare you for the hustle and bustle of busy town life

The Park is a popular spot for newly married couples to get their wedding photographs taken.

Entertainment in Warrenpoint Municipal Park

Warrenpoint Municipal Park is the hub of many cultural , heritage and fun activities. Tens of Thousands of people have enjoyed entertainment by Brian Kennedy in the Park during the Wake the Giant Festivals in Warrenpoint. 

The Bandstand is a Blues Trail venue at the International Blues on The Bay Festival at the end of May every year in Warrenpoint.

Artisan Market Warrenpoint Municipal Park

Warrenpoint Municipal Park is the home of a monthly Artisan Market featuring a unique blend of food providers, artists and crafts on display.

The Bandstand once again provides the stage for musicians to provide a musical backdrop while people enjoy the food and offers of local businesses.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park at Christmas

It’s amazing to think that the Warrenpoint Bandstand was made in a Glasgow foundry in the early 1900’s.

Over a 100 years later , it’s still a beautiful attraction with many people walking up it’s steps.

It is particularly stunning at Christmas time and will be sure to help any visitor to get into the Christmas spirit.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park : Outdoor Cinema

Warrenpoint Municipal Park was the venue for a superb outside cinema experience as part of Warrenpoint’s new Summer festival – The Loughside Festival

100’s of families enjoyed the Greatest Showman on the big screen on the grass of our Park!

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Restoration

The major restoration of Warrenpoint Municipal Park (for many locals simply called ‘Warrenpoint Town Park’) was completed in August 2018.

Millions of people have for enjoyed some time in the Park since it’s opening in 1907. we decided to go back into history to uncover some fascinating pieces of documented history of this famous Park’s past.

History of Warrenpoint Bandstand

Warrenpoint Park and it's Origins

The origins of Warrenpoint Municipal Park bring us right back to the Warrenpoint Urban District Council who was the public authority responsible for making the Park happen in 1907.

Warrenpoint Urban District Council obtained land from Captain Roger Hall of Narrow Water Castle for a park in December 1906.

It’s always about the Money!!!

Even in 1906, money was the issue and a cause of concern and debate among the protagonists at the time – councillors, press and the public.

Today, we have seen many express a view on the value for money of the investment in the most recent Park restoration work.

History does often repeat itself!

You will see in a newspaper report of Saturday 23 February 1907.  The subject of the Council meeting was whether the cost of tenders should be discussed openly with press in attendance.

We wonder what a “family conversation” meant with the discussions behind closed doors…

You can just imagine!!!

Warrenpoint Urban Council Meeting Warrenpoint Park
Warrenpoint Urban Council Meeting Warrenpoint Park 2

A newspaper report of Tuesday 23 April 1907 describes the Park grounds as:

“only a few days ago it was field”

being transformed due to the skill of master gardener, Thomas Smith of Daisy Hill Nurseries, Newry.

Gratitude was expressed at the speed of the completion of the work.

Warrenpoint Park Thomas Smith Daisy Hill Nurseries

Warrenpoint Bandstand

Warrenpoint Bandstand : The Cast Iron Work

Mr Johnson visited the foundry where the bandstand castings were made and reported that they were ready for shipping subject to the base setting.

It was reported that the contractor was making good progress on the base of the Bandstand.

The Bandstand Warrenpoint MacFarlane

MacFarlane and Sons operated from The Saracen Foundry in Possilpark, Glasgow. 

They were specialists in ornamental cast iron works.

MacFarlane & SonsWarrenpoint Bandstand

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Keepers

A newspaper article of Tuesday 4 June 1907 reports on the status of the application process for Park Caretakers.

Interesting to note that the application for the position and terms of employment were the subject of a newspaper report!!!


Warrenpoint Park Caretaker 1907

Warrenpoint Municipal Park : The official opening

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Opening 1906

The official opening of Warrenpoint Municipal Park was presided over by Captain Hall of Narrow Water Castle.

A newspaper on Tuesday 5 July 1910 reports on the opening of the public tennis courts in The Park.

History of Warrenpoint Town Municipal Park Tennis

A newspaper article on Tuesday 23 August 1910 reports on a performance by a British Army Band.

Performance in Warrenpoint Municipal Town Park

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Centenary

This plaque commemorates the centenary of the Park in 2007.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park 1907 - 2007

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council successfully received funding of £850,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund’s Parks for People Programme towards the project.

The main focus of the project is the preservation of the Bandstand, the restoration of the pavillion building and walkways.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Flowers in Bloom

Warrenpoint Municipal Park is a nature oasis in the middle of a busy town with many species of flowers and trees. 

In 2022, an historical rose called “Narrow Water” with a direct link back to origins of the Park itself was planted. 

The rose is from the collection of plants grown by the famous Newry horticulturist, Thomas Smith of Daisy Hill Gardens, who was the original master gardener who landscaped the park (see the newspaper article above).

Thomas Smith also worked on the gardens at Narrow Water Castle.

Squirrels will often be seen scurrying around looking for food.work

Warrenpoint Municipal Today Park

Warrenpoint town Park 2018

Warrenpoint Municipal Park and Technology

You can scan a QR code at various points in the Park to bring you to an information site online about the Park, it’s history, nature and life in the Park.

Warrenpoint Municipal Park in times gone by Pictures

Warrenpoint Municipal Park Visit Warrenpoint Days gone by 2
Warrenpoint Municipal Park Visit Warrenpoint Days gone by 1
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